More Eyes Join Us on Nonprofit Hospitals’ Lack of Charity Care

ACORN International Affordability Arkansas Hospital Accountability Labor Neighbor Louisiana Non-Profit Texas

            Marble Falls      For years, we have felt like we were beating a drum that no one hears.  Frankly, when it comes to the refusal of many tax-exempt, nonprofit hospitals to meet the requirements of their estimated $60 billion annual tax benefit to actually offer charity care, it should be a scandal, but seems …

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A Win for Healthcare Protection State by State

Affordability Health Care Ideas and Issues

            Bradford         There’s a sure but steady victory being engineered by progressives on a state-by-state basis that is worthy of deep analysis and solid celebration.  What’s especially sweet is the fact that’s is a case of the people exercising their will over the opposition of their elected officials in a pure and simple demonstration of …

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