The Organizer Behind “The Salt of the Earth”

ACORN ACORN International Canada Labor Organizing

Gananoque   One of the things that Judy Duncan makes sure has “pride of place” in the annual fall training sessions with ACORN Canada staff is “movie” night.  We’ve watched many of the classics (Norma Rae, which they loved, Bread and Roses with Adrian Brody, which they hated, and so forth).   This year it might have fallen …

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“Tsunami of Union Bosses” Pushback Attack on Teachers and Public Sector

ACORN International Canada Labor Organizing Organizing

Gananoque, Ontario   Attacks on public sector workers, especially teachers, has become as popular in Canada as it has become in the United States, especially in the country’s largest province, Ontario.  Ironically, many teachers’ unions have been supportive of Premier Dalton McGuinty’s Liberal (which is really not liberal, friends) government for over almost the decade they have …

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Rap Comes to Remittance Justice Campaign

ACORN International Canada Financial Justice Remittances

New Orleans   On ACORN International’s Remittance Justice Campaign too often “civilians,” regular citizens, don’t have a clue about the predatory costs of moving money backwards and forward between where families and workers are now and their home country.   All of this made it exciting to get emails in recent days from ACORN Canada organizers, Jill …

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