May 28, 2022 Buffalo River Every Friday our union staff gets together on a group conference call to compare notes, count the numbers, and collaborate on problems in our various offices and units across Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas. Our most recent call was missing Toney Orr, our field director, so I was presiding. …
Category: Texas
The Horror
May 25, 2022 Marble Falls I’ve driven through Uvalde, Texas. Uvalde is a nice quiet Texas Hill country town. I’ve walked around the town square and looked at the statue of John Nance Garner III. He was a Vice-President under Franklin Delano Roosevelt for eight years from 1933 to 1941 and Speaker of …
Disaster Discrimination in Texas
May 11, 2022 New Orleans Thomas Frank wrote a book some years ago entitled “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” It was a good question. These days someone would almost have to write a multi-volume book on “What’s the Matter with Texas?” On top of every other bit of mess and mischief coming largely …